What does it really mean to be happy? I'm talking about real happiness not the textbook version of it, i want to hear real life human definitions.
I have been living my life in limbo lately, waiting, waiting for what? I don't know? I tell myself I'm waiting for a job and then i will be happy, see I believe that if i can walk into a store see something i like, be able to buy it even if it isn't immediately but the prospect of being able to purchase it in the future then I will be happy....I'm mislead, I know but my theory goes beyond that, according to rich people money doesn't buy happiness and if anybody ought to know that they should, its their world but not having money doesn't make u happy either. I think the concept of money not buying happiness only applies if u would sacrifice your happiness for money, u can be rich and happy just don't choose money over happiness, choose both.
I hate facebook sometimes, people are forever talking about how fabulous their lives are and how happy they are, makes me wonder which happiness are they talking about, are they really happy, what is it about the weekend that is making them happy, what happens when u don't have plans for the weekend are u still happy then? i want to know the secret to being happy...new shoes make me happy but that never lasts because i always want a new pair or maybe a man should make me happy. but i have one, a spectacular one at that, maybe it the constant wonder about the future that's keeping from my happiness, I wonder if with the right guy, if maybe there is another person better for me out there, or if ill be as successful as i want to be, if I'm a good friend, a good daughter and lots of shoes...
So then what is real happiness? What is it that I'm waiting for that keeps me from living? not living is keeping me from my happiness.